
FREE WEBINAR: Copyright, contracts & infringements in a digital world

In this free Webinar series, Spoor & Fisher attorneys Jeremy Speres and Zama Buthelezi, will explain how to leverage IP protection to create value for brand teams, agencies and clients.

IP infringements, contracts and copyright. Probably not the first words to pop into your mind when thinking of advertising or marketing and yet, an understanding of the basics of these concepts goes a long way in enabling marketing professionals and advertising agencies to perform optimally. Especially in a digital environment.

For instance, how do you avoid infringing someone else’s rights online? How do you stop them infringing yours? And what do you do if they infringe your rights anyway? In this, the second of a series of three #IP101 webinars focusing on the advertising and marketing industry, Spoor & Fisher attorneys Jeremy Speres and Zama Buthelezi, will explain how to leverage intellectual property protection as part of creating significant value for brand teams, agencies and clients.

By unpacking the IP essentials of an online environment, this #IP101 webinar will help you to avoid some of the pitfalls of dealing with IP in a dynamic and constantly shifting digital world. Spoor & Fisher will deal with Facebook page takedowns; making domain name objections; and obtaining rights clearances for the use of images, artwork, and music. The important elements of personality rights, brand ambassador agreements, and licences with third-party collaborators, will also be shared.

Creating any successful campaign requires significant investments of time and money. So, it’s important to safeguard your creative executions, skills and efforts against infringement. Spoor & Fisher will share their top strategies to best protect these; plus tips to ensure that you don’t step on others’ toes.



A basic understanding of intellectual property (IP) goes a long way in creating significant value for brand teams, agencies and their clients. Spoor & Fisher’s free Webinar series, in partnership with Retailing Africa, will provide an accessible and high-level overview of the different forms of IP. Importantly, it will also identify key must-knows for every marketing professional and agency, when creating, designing or contracting.

  • The first Webinar in this series, IP 101 for Advertising and Marketing Professionals, was held on 12 August 2021.
  • Part 2 of IP 101 for Advertising and Marketing Professionals: Copyright, Contracts & Infringements in a Digital World, will be held at 11am, 14 October 2021 in a free webinar for marketing, advertising and brand professionals. BOOK NOW!


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